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Tel: 202.422.4586 Email: rosemarya@rosyanbookkeepingservices.com

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It's Such a Great Surge of JOY, SUCEESS AND EXCITEMENT to Continue to Serve you as a QuickBooks ProAdvisor. Great Joy of Being Assured of Expertise and Financial Advice.
Life is Beautiful When you Love What you Do.
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E- Commerce Business Redefined

ecommerce bookkeeping
It's Accounting 101 Class Session!!! We're looking at the types of E- Commerce Businesses.
What is E- Commerce? E- Commerce is the method of buying and selling goods and services online.
* Business to Consumer (B2C) is a Type of Business Transaction where a Business Owner sells products or Services directly to Consumers ,who are basically the End Users of the Products or Services. B2C sales can be seen in everyday transactions. For instance, when you purchase a new phone or clothes, eat out at a restaurant or pay for gas.
* Business to Business (B2B) is a type of Business Transaction in which the exchange of products or services is between Businesses.
* Consumer to Consumer ( C2C) is a Business Model where a Customer/Consumer purchases Goods from another Customer/Consumer using a Third Party Business or Platform to facilitate the Transaction. It facilitates Transactions between People. An example is if you want to sell your Used Car, you will look for anyone interested in your Car Specific Make and Model using an Online Platform. Business Platforms that encourage C2C Interactions are Ebay, Amazon, Craigslist, Etsy, Facebook Market Place, Airbnb and Fiverr.
* Consumer to Business (C2B) is a Business Model where a Consumer or End User provides a Product or Service to an Organization; This Service is in the Form of creating Value and Businesses utilize the Value Provided.
An Example, When a Consumer writes a Review for a Business or When a Consumer gives a Useful Idea for a New Product Development, the Consumer is creating a Value for the Business of the Business adopts the Input.
Now, you are fully educated and enlightened on the types of E Commerce Businesses that exist, Which one do you belong to?🤔
Comment Below and Let's Know. Remember, We're always Here to Assist you 😘. At Rosyan Bookkeeping Services, We Love What we Do and Always Excited to Help You.
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Missed the Tax Day Deadline?

Ooops, The Tax Season is OVER and unfortunately, you didn't file your Taxes and confused on what to do. Guess What? Regardless of why you didn't get your Form 1040 (or Form 4868 for a Six-Month Extension) to the IRS, Your Continued Procrastination will cost you BIG TIME.
You need to ACT FAST as Penalties are already accruing and they add up for both filing late and paying Late. In Addition, there are Interests, which are bumped up lately due to Inflation. You need to take these 4 Steps as soon as Possible to stop Uncle Sam's Potential drain of your Bank Account as well as a Possible Audit.
File a Return - Getting your Form 1040 to the IRS as soon as Possible will stop the Late Filing Penalty Charges. Do you know that even if your Return has errors, it's better to file and then correct your mistakes later by filing an Amended Return?
Pay What You Can - If the Reason you didn't file is because you owe, this will unfortunately double your Tax Troubles. Every Non/Late Payment Charge is an addition to the Non/Late Filing One. If you notice that you cannot pay your Full Tax Bill, Pay What you Can.
Set Up a Payment Plan - We get it, Your Tax Bill is a BIG One. In this Case, Try to set up a Payment Plan with the IRS, so you can pay it off over a Period of Time. Great News is that there is no Setup Fee however Penalties and Interest Charges will continue until your Balance is fully Paid.
Make Sure you File your State Returns Too - Most States and the district of Columbia collect Some Form of Income Tax from their Residents. Most of them follow the IRS Filing Calendar, so It's most likely you missed your State's Tax Filing Due Date as well. They also charge Penalties for Late Filing and Non Filing. The Longer you put it off, the More you'll owe on State taxes. Try to Check with your State Tax Department on Steps to take to reduce these Penalties.
With Taxes, Being Sincerely Late after you've missed the Tax Day Deadline is better than NOT FILING at all.
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It's Countdown to Tax Day!!!

YESSSSS!!! It's Countdown to Tax Day. The Tax Deadline is Fast Approaching. Remember Procrastination is not a Tax Deduction. It can be taxing , but it's necessary to file your Taxes before the Due Date. Act Fast, so you don't have to pay Penalties and Interests.
If you think, you don't have all your Documents Ready to file your Taxes by April 18th, there's no need to panic; Make Sure you file and Automatic Six-Month Extension with the IRS using Form 4868. It's Free and Pretty Easy.
However if you owe Taxes, you'll need to pay them by April 18th Deadline, Otherwise Penalties, Fees and Interest will start to accrue.
We are available to help you with your Tax Prep. We love what we do and Always Happy to Help You.
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6 Ways to Respond in the Wake of the Silicon Valley Bank Collapse.

In the Wake of the Silicon Valley Bank Collapse, Corporate Leaders, Business Owners and Startups are coming to terms with one thing - Making Sure that their Businesses are never going to be in the Same Boat.
With All these Happenings, It's normal to be worried about your Money. Don't Worry, at Rosyan Bookkeeping Services, We are all about assisting you and enlightening you on how to safeguard your Finances.
Here are 6 Ways to Respond in the Wake of the Silicon Valley Bank Collapse. As Always, We're here for you. We love What We do and Happy to assist you.
Do not Panic. It is very clear that the Federal Government will not allow the Problems of these Banks to infect the Mainstream of American Business and Economic Life. It's just a Matter of Time before SVB Depositors and Loan Holders will be taken care of. So Cheer Up.
Double Check that your Deposits and Investments are held with an FDIC-Insured Bank. The FDIC protects your Money in the unlikely event of a Bank Failure. The Standard Insured Amount is $250,000 Per Depositor, Per Insured Bank for each Account Category.
Diversify! Diversify!! Diversify!!! This is a Time, where Safety is of Great Concern. If working with one Bank was OK for you before , Now is the Time to Diversify. It's a Great Idea to Spread your Banking Relationships beyond your Current Status.
Double Down on Due Diligence. It's important to enlighten yourself about being well Capitalized with a Good Liquidity Position. Know your Bank and what they're invested in as well as what the Deposits are backstopped by. All these are available in the Financial Reports.
Evaluate your Banking Controls. Every Bank compiles with Banking Laws and Regulations, Internal Policies and Internal Procedures. These Systems and Policies are put in place to safeguard Bank Assets, Limits or control risks and achieve a Bank's Objectives.
Watch for the Best and the Worst- Case Scenarios. A Lot of Fraudsters are taking incredible advantage of this Situation. Hence Everyone needs to be careful. Many Suppliers are giving instructions advising customers not to make Payments to any Account at SVB. Be Very Careful.
Need to Discuss your Banking/Finance Options? Be Sure to Reach Out to Trusted Financial before making your Financial Decision. DM/Call US on 301-485-8109 ; 202-422-4586
We are always Excited and Happy to Assist you.
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